Rent is TOO DAMN HIGH, So HOT Launched a Petition at Pride!

HOT in cleveland pride marching holding signs for affordable hausing and saving the planet (climate change) and more
Source: Max Torres

In a powerful display of advocacy and community solidarity, Haus of Transcendent (HOT) has launched a significant petition during this year’s Pride in CLE celebration, urging Cleveland’s community leaders to prioritize affordable hausing for LGBTQI2S+ individuals. The petition seeks to address the urgent hausing needs of a community that remains disproportionately affected by homelessness and hausing instability. Over 50 HOTTIES (volunteers) marched and tabled with HOT while holding signs that said “Affordable Hausing Now”, “Sign Petition”, “Language Access Now”, “Accessibility Now”, and “Save Our Planet.”

HOT in cleveland pride marching holding signs for affordable hausing and saving the planet (climate change) and more
Source: Max Torres

A Community in Need

LGBTQI2S+ individuals, particularly those who are transgender, BIPOC, immigrant, and disabled, face unique challenges that often lead to hausing insecurity. Discrimination, limited access to employment, and a lack of supportive services exacerbate these challenges.

In Cleveland, Ohio, a significant portion of the LGBTQI2S+ community faces homelessness and hausing instability. Cuyahoga County has seen an alarming increase in the number of unsheltered transgender individuals; LGBTQI2S+ Black, Brown and Indigenous people; LGBTQI2S+ people with disabilities; and LGBTQI2S+ immigrants.

HOT in cleveland pride marching holding signs for affordable hausing and saving the planet (climate change) and more
Source: Max Torres

Affordable hausing significantly impacts mental health alongside its influence on areas like healthcare, employment, and safety. Here’s an expanded view of how affordable hausing contributes to these aspects:

Health Care: Access to affordable hausing reduces financial strain, which in turn can decrease stress and anxiety levels, contributing to better overall mental health. Stable hausing also increases accessibility to consistent healthcare services, including mental health support and treatment, by providing a reliable location for service delivery.

Employment: Stable hausing provides a secure base from which to search for and retain employment. Employment not only provides better financial stability but also may provide a sense of purpose and identity.

Safety: Access to hausing reduces exposure to community violence, which is associated with a range of mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, stable communities can foster social networks that provide emotional support during times of stress.

Food: Stable, affordable hausing plays a critical role in facilitating access to fresh food and promoting healthy eating habits because having a kitchen and refrigeration is crucial for storing perishable food items and preparing healthy meals at home. Moreover, this also enhances mental well-being by reducing stress and anxiety related to food insecurity and poor diet.

Overall, the integration of affordable hausing solutions within communities is a powerful tool not only for improving physical health and socio-economic conditions but also as a preventive measure and therapeutic aid in mental health. By investing in affordable hausing, communities can create a stable environment that supports mental and emotional well-being, leading to healthier, more productive societies.

3D Rendered plan of the inside of HOT Haus
3D Rendered plan of the inside of HOT Haus

Community Support and Impact

The response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive. Residents, activists, and allies have shown strong support for the petition, highlighting the shared belief that hausing is a fundamental human right and as many have said, “The Rent is Too Damn High.” The petition aims to gather thousands of signatures, amplifying the voices of those who demand change and justice.

HOT in cleveland pride marching holding signs for affordable hausing and saving the planet (climate change) and more
Source: Max Torres

Haus of Transcendent’s Mission

HOT is at the forefront of addressing social drivers of health and hausing disparities among LGBTQI2S+ communities. Their HOT Hausing program, currently under development, aims to provide transitional hausing and comprehensive support services, including health care and food access, transportation, and workforce development, to prevent homelessness. HOT Hausing aspires to become a beacon of hope and resilience for many LGBTQI2S+ people who are couch surfing and living in tents.

Pride in CLE has always been a time to protest problems that are harming LGBTQI2S+ individuals. The petition and protest serve as a powerful reminder of the work that still needs to be done to ensure that every individual has a safe and affordable place to call home.

3D Rendered plan of HOT Haus
3D Rendered plan of HOT Haus

Businesses, nonprofits, and artists can join the 20+ organizations and artists who have sponsored the Affordable Hausing Petition. There is no cost for sponsorship. Email your logo to become a sponsor: To sign the petition please visit


Haus of Transcendent (HOT)
is focused on addressing the social drivers of health. Your donation to HOT can help transform lives by providing essential support for LGBTQI2S+ adults who are at risk of homelessness.

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