HOT CEO Appointed to Moving Forward Nursing Home Quality Coalition

The Moving Forward Nursing Home Quality Coalition has selected Haus of Transcendent CEO, Jordi Luke, as a member of its Committee 6: Quality Measurement & Continuous Quality Improvement. The Moving Forward Coalition was formed to explore actions that can be implemented to advance the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s (NASEM) nursing home report: The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality.

The coalition has a diverse group of leaders with knowledge of and expertise in improving nursing homes.

Having worked as a leader at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for almost seven years, Jordi’s experience with improving the lives of minoritized post-acute care residents greatly bolsters the coalition as they continue their journey towards stronger, more inclusive nursing home care. While at CMS, Jordi authored federal regulations focused on identifying health disparities and addressing the social determinants of health in nursing homes LGBTQ+ people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ older adults continue to face discrimination and challenges within the post-acute care facilities in the United States. Such discrimination manifests in multiple ways: denial of visitation rights from partners or chosen family, lack of understanding of gender identities and sexual orientations, physical and mental abuse of LGBTQ+ people in nursing homes, among other conscious and subconscious acts of prejudice.

These issues highlight the urgent need for policy changes and program improvement within the nursing home sector, in order to ensure that LGBTQ+ older adults and people with disabilities are provided with a safe, respectful, and supportive environment. HOT is excited to be a part of this important national effort, and looks forward to the positive impact the Moving Forward Coalition will make in furthering the goals outlined in the NASEM report. Alice Bonner, chair of the Moving Forward Coalition, said “We’re delighted to have Jordi on our growing team! Their deep experience in nursing home policy and quality improvement, and their commitment to the well-being of older adults and people with disabilities who historically have not received equitable care in health settings is a huge benefit to our work and community.”

For more information about the coalition and its initiatives, please visit
