HOT Receives Grant from Healthy Lakewood Foundation to Establish HOT Help

Haus of Transcendent has received a grant from the Healthy Lakewood Foundation (HLF) to establish HOT Help, an emergency assistance program for LGBTQI2S+ individuals in Lakewood who are in crisis.

“HLF’s grant enables HOT to launch HOT Help in Lakewood. HOT Help will reduce the harm often experienced by LGBTQI2S+ people who are in crisis. Emergency assistance is critical for folks in our community who are most impacted by housing insecurity: Transgender people, BIPOC, people with disabilities, and immigrants.”

SlayIcon- Community Outreach Director, Haus of Transcendent. 

“Haus of Transcendent is actively connecting with LGBTQI2S community members in Lakewood to serve as a bridge to resources. HLF is proud to fund and learn with and from HOT about the scope of unmet needs for our LGBTQI2S+ neighbors.”

Kate Ingersoll- Executive Director, Healthy Lakewood Foundation.

“We see this project as a way to advance health equity by mitigating crises, strengthen the referral network, and building trust between HLF, Lakewood social services, and the LGBTQI2S+ community.”

Kirstin Craciun- Director of Health Equity & Stakeholder Engagement,
 Better Health Partnership.

HOT is grateful for HLF’s support and commitment to making Lakewood an accessible, vibrant, and healthy community for all. We hope to secure additional funding so we can expand HOT Help beyond Lakewood.
