Cleveland Clinic Selects Haus of Transcendent as CHP Grant Recipient

Cleveland Clinic selected Haus of Transcendent as a recipient of the Community Health & Partnerships (CHP) grant. We are launching a basic needs survey, called HOT Poll, to connect LGBTQ+ adults to resources in NE Ohio, such as the Cleveland Clinic’s Center for LGBTQ+ Care.

Jordi Luke, CEO of Haus of Transcendent, said “Many LGBTQ+ people are abandoned—and sometimes harmed—when they come out to their family and friends, which puts them at greater risk of homelessness, unemployment, food insecurity, poverty, and lack of health insurance. HOT Poll is a pivotal element of our case management program because it will help us address the social determinants of LGBTQ+ health. We will reach hundreds of LGBTQ+ adults who have significant needs after they are abandoned by their families and community.”

HOT’s innovative approach to community outreach focuses on engaging with LGBTQ+ adults who are in the nightlife. HOT Poll will be available in several languages, including Spanish, since LGBTQ+ people with limited English proficiency experience significant barriers when accessing resources.

Dr. Tomislav Mihaljevic, CEO and President of Cleveland Clinic, made a LinkedIn post earlier this year that said, “Cleveland Clinic treats millions of patients worldwide – people of many races, ethnicities, religions, ages, sexual orientations, cultures and other backgrounds. Our aspiration is to have a workforce as diverse as patients we serve. Diversity of caregivers allows for better care of diverse patient populations.”

Thank you, Cleveland Clinic, for supporting this important program that will help us advance health equity for LGBTQ+ people in NE Ohio. A special thank you to Chantel Wilcox, Meredith Seeley, Dr. Henry Ng, and Dr. Satya Munzar for believing in us.

Happy Pride Month!